Krohne Waterflux 3070 LCD Electromagnetic Water Flow Meters with Integrated Temperature/Pressure Sensor (25-600mm Flanged)
Krohne Waterflux 3070 LCD Electromagnetic Water Flow Meters
In a world where water is becoming increasingly scarce, accurate flow measurements of a valuable resource like drinking water is essential for efficient water network management, reducing non-revenue water and for billing purposes. Throughout the history of the company, KROHNE has always been engaged in research into promising technologies for the future, in pursuit of improved measurement and further developments. WATERFLUX 3070, with its unique rectangular sensor design and efficient coil construction forms a good example of an innovation.
Flow profile disturbances are squeezed out by contraction and the mean flow velocity in the rectangular cross section is doubled. The coils provide a strong and homogeneous magnetic field, leading to an improved signal to noise ratio and stable measurements. The result is a very good low flow performance and a drastic reduction of the additional uncertainty for upstream disturbances. The WATERFLUX 3000 sensor has set a new standard in the market for simplifying installation with zero inlet and zero outlet sections. Another benefit of the rectangular bore is a very low power consumption and thus a longer battery lifetime.
The battery powered WATERFLUX 3070 is ideal for remote locations where no mains power is available. For locations where mains power is available, but water companies demand for a battery power back up to ensure continuous measurements, the WATERFLUX 3070 can be equipped with an external FlexPower unit.
Again KROHNE introduces an innovation with the introduction of the first all-in-one water meter that measures flow, pressure and temperature with just one instrument. For this the WATERFLUX sensor has an integrated pressure and temperature sensor.
To transfer all data, including counter values, pressure & temperature measurements and meter and status alarms, WATERFLUX 3070 can communicate by RS485 using the Modbus RTU protocol. The unique low (battery) powered Modbus option can be connected to a GPRS data logger unit for a complete remote solution. When using the FlexPower unit, with the high power Modbus version all available data is transferred at a high frequency.
- Bi-directional flow measurement over a wide dynamic range
- Unique rectangular sensor design for good low flow performance
- Available with patented reference electrode: no grounding rings needed
- High accuracy at peak flows during the day and at low flows during the night
- Rilsan® coated sensor tube
- Meets potable water standards: ACS, DVGW, NSF, TZW, WRAS etc.
- Suitable for immersion in flooded chambers
- Battery-powered for remote locations or mains powered with battery backup
- FlexPower option for power connection to electrical grid, solar panel or windmill
- Unique low power Modbus option for battery-powered version
- With CT approval for heat meter applications (MID MI-004)
- Compact or field mounted version
- On-site verification of flowmeter with OPTICHECK service tool
- Remote monitoring of water supplies and distribution networks
- Water consumption and fiscal metering (custody transfer)
- Irrigation and abstraction
- Water treatment
- Replacement of mechanical turbine meters
- Leak detection
- Checking of pumps and water wells
- Custody transfer flow measurement in district heating networks