Hunter RAIN-CLIK Wired Quick Response™ Rain Sensor
Hunter RAINCLIK Wired Rain Sensor
Rain-Clik’s quick response stops irrigation the instant rain starts to fall Most rain-sensing devices work by accumulating a set amount of rainfall before a switch is activated that interrupts the circuit from the controller and shuts off the system. In that “accumulation time”, the system will unnecessarily continue to water. This can look especially bad for conservation-conscious municipalities, businesses, and residences. With built-in Quick Response technology, the Hunter Rain-Clik and Wireless Rain-Clik can command a controller to shut off right when it starts to rain. The Rain-Clik can be mounted on an eave or any flat vertical surface like a wall or fence. A gutter mount is also available that allows for easy installation of the Rain-Clik on the edge of a gutter.
Rain-Clik Features:
- Quick Response™ feature shuts the system off as soon as it starts raining
- Maintenance-free design with 10-year battery life for Wireless Rain-Clik
- Adjustable vent ring allows for setting of reset delay
- Rugged polycarbonate housing and metal extension arm
- Rain-Clik includes 7.6 m of 0.5 mm2 (20 AWG) sheathed, two-conductor, UL-approved wire
- Wireless unit available with 244 m range from wireless sensor to receiver
- Compatible with most controllers